You can never be fully prepared with things you need when you bring baby home from the hospital. First off, you are bound to forget something because frankly there are SO many items on a ‘must haves’ list it’s hard to keep track. Second, every baby is different and what your friend’s baby loved yours might not. I definitely felt myself getting overwhelmed with things I should have on hand and as I frantically placed Amazon Prime orders I realized I wasn’t even sure what half of these things were for. We generously received a ton of items from our registry and even though I registered for them I still didn’t know what half of them were actually for.
Fast forward to coming home with Maddox and we quickly identified items that we actually would be lost without. Obviously you need basics like diapers and a place for your baby to sleep, but these are little convenient items that have made things go a little smoother over the past two months. I don’t want to overwhelm you with another ‘must haves’ list that isn’t super helpful so I’m keeping it really straight forward and sharing:
Our Most Used Registry ItemOwlet Sock
The Owlet Sock is something I knew I wanted from the beginning. Any device that can help give me piece of mind that Maddox is safe and healthy is a must have in my book. It tracks his sleep, heart rate, and oxygen levels and alerts us if they drop below a certain level. This has made me feel so much more relaxed while he gets some shut eye and immensely decreased my anxiety.
![]() Two Items We Didn't Register For, But Use All The TimeBaby Shusher
The Baby Shusher is one of our biggest game changers for bedtime. It does exactly what it says. It makes a shushing noise to lull your baby to sleep. It’s perfect to have near the bassinet since we don’t have his full sound machine set up on our room and we can bring it downstairs into his pack and play for naps. It works super well for Maddox and helps to calm him pretty immediately.
![]() Dr. Brown's Bottles
Dr. Brown's bottles were gifted to us and I was excited because yeah we needed bottles but I didn’t realize how essential these would be. They control the air and milk flow in a way that helps to prevent gas. They are so easy to clean as well and we’ve had minimal leakage issues with them. A few weeks in I ordered more so we’d have extras on hand so I wouldn’t be washing them 24/7.
![]() Items We Went Running Out To GetDuplicate Wubbanubs
We got Wubbanubs as gifts before Maddox was born, but little did we know they would become his favorite thing ever. We immediately had to stock up on some extras of his favorite animals so we had backups in case one was being washed or got lost.
![]() Pacifier Wipes
am all about anything that makes cleaning easier and these wipes are a god send for when you need to clean a paci or a bottle nipple quickly. I always have these on hand in case Maddox’s Wubbanub takes a tumble, that way after about a minute once it’s dry he can just pop it right back in.
![]() Extra Burp Cloths
I’ve learned that you can never have enough burp cloths. I originally tried to make do with a limited supply, but that was pointless. We were using them at every feeding and in between and it felt like every time I actually needed one there wasn’t one in reach. Now we have them all over the house and have enough to rotate since they are constantly getting dirty.
![]() Halo Sleep Sacks
Halo Sleep Sacks have been a lifesaver for getting our little dude to sleep. He hates being swaddled at first but also will only sleep when he is swaddled (weird) so having a sleep sack helps to secure him in a swaddle he can’t break out of. We have three of these in rotation so we aren’t having to wash them constantly and we can rotate them out if they get spit up or pee on them overnight, both are common occurrences here.
![]() Windi
The first time Maddox had gas it was what I would imagine would happen if a demon was possessing his body. He was pissed off and needed relief fast. We tried some other tricks, but ultimately ended up racing to Target to grab a Windi. This is something I would 100% recommend having on hand because you don’t know you’re going to need it until you’re really in the thick of things. Plus, it works!
Hopefully with these items on your radar you can register for them or purchase them in enough time so you won’t be scrambling once your little one gets here. Honestly, some of these products I didn’t even know existed until I had an urgent need for them or they were thankfully gifted to me. Of course not every baby is the same so I’m here just sharing my personal experience that may or may not work for you. Feel free to drop your suggestions on those hero baby products below!
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Blonde babe.
Millennial mom. Crohn's crusher. Mental health advocate. Sharing my raw and real journey through motherhood and navigating Crohn’s Disease. CrohnicallyBlonde is a place where I serve up my unfiltered commentary on chronic illness, mental health, pregnancy, and motherhood alongside lighter lifestyle content like beauty product reviews, travel tips, and book recommendations. My hope is that by authentically sharing my story I can help others going through similar situations not feel so alone and maybe even laugh along with me. categories
November 2023
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