![]() Labor Day Weekend really snuck up on me this year! I can't believe it is almost the unofficial end of summer. As ready as I am for fall scented candles and watching my little pup play around in piles of leaves I am looking forward to one last weekend of summertime cookouts with my family and friends. I have never been one to jump on the invitation to bake something to bring to a get together but recently I have stepped up my adulthood game and perfected a signature dish! It has been a hit for my family, friends, and coworkers and is super easy to make. I figured I would share it with you all incase you are in a predicament of having to bring a dish to a party this weekend or just want to treat yo' self a bit while relaxing this weekend! I decided to stick with something that was not only gluten free so I could enjoy it but also low sodium since my dad limits his sodium intake and I needed to find something that was good for everyone across the board. Now let me tell you... finding something that meets both of those dietary requirements definitely included a lengthy Pinterest search. I finally zeroed in on THIS recipe from Frugal Farm Wife. I took out the nuts to lower the sodium and used all purpose gluten free flour, but those were the only things I changed! It took me overall about 15 minutes to mix everything together and about an hour to bake. It came out looking surprisingly beautiful and even more surprisingly tasty! Everyone thought it was a hit and the leftovers even tasted great reheated. Hands down this was probably the easiest and one of the best tasting desserts I have ever made and I plan on brining it back as my signature dish next summer. Now the challenge... finding my signature dish for fall. Good thing I can just swap out the blueberries with apples, right?! :) Feel free to comment with any questions or tell me about your experience trying this recipe!
I've already shared my skincare must haves of the moment so I figured hair is up next! Recently I just got my locks cut short again. Usually a shorter do is my go to but every so often I think that my super straight and fine hair can actually grow out to create a Real Housewives worthy look, sans extensions. After it gets about 6 months overdue of a good cut I always come to, to the harsh reality that I will be forever embracing "short hair don't care". Now I'm not complaining about this because I have a BOMB stylist who makes sure that my bob is more of a lob and anything but soccer mommish. I take pride in the fact that this time around I feel like I have achieved Pinterest worthy hair (even though I have zero talent associated with this feat, I just picked out the inspiration photo, go me!). I figured to commemorate this moment I would share my current must haves in the haircare department. Here we go! 1. ColorProof Control Craze Styling Creme- I picked this up from my salon and use it on my damp hair to give my ends a piecey look. A little bit goes a long way and it leaves zero crispy feel or yucky residue. 2. Label M Texturising Volume Spray- This stuff is probably my favorite thing I have ever put onto my scalp. For real. I also picked this up from my salon. With super fine hair like mine sometimes you need a little extra grit and texture when your hair is freshly washed. For years I was spraying dry shampoo onto my perfectly clean hair just to give it some volume. This spray does exactly what your dry shampoo would do, just without the yucky residue and with an actually lift and hold. A++ on the product scale for me! 3. Not Your Mother's Bach Babe Soft Waves Sea Salt Spray- This is honestly the best sea salt spray I have ever tried and is phenomenal for texturizing short hair curls. I have tried everything under the sun as far as sea salt sprays but this one packs the most punch for an extremely low price. You do have to use a bit more than the more expensive alternatives but it never builds up to feels sticky or crunchy. 4. Suave Keratin Infusion Dry Shampoo- I have tried a ridiculous amount of dry shampoos, mostly because I really hate washing my hair. I got this product free for testing from Influenster and to be honest I did not think I was going to be impressed. Joke is on me though because day one when I tried this stuff it was actually pretty awesome. It didn't leave a weird white residue in my hair, it didn't increase the frizz (it actually seemed to control it!), and my hair was still malleable enough to style. Officially added to my daily routine. I hope you enjoyed hearing about my hair care faves! In the comments please feel free to ask me any questions, give me recommendations, and let me know what you would like to see me post about/review next! I've decided to start this little thing called "Meal Talk Monday". Not because I'm a good cook and not because I particularly like cooking. It's actually mainly because up until about a year ago I was completely illiterate when it came to the art of food. I was baffled for hours watching "Guys's Grocery Wars" wondering how anyone could so successfully navigate this foreign thing called a grocery store. My food life has progressed from being able to eat literally whatever I wanted through college without any adverse effect (aka McDonalds, rice/bean/avocado concoction, canned soups galore) to literally having to scour labels to make sure I can put something in my mouth. Let's just say it was a pretty serious change, and for someone who could barely boil water, it was a bit terrifying. I went from trying to meal prep and deciding I hated everything I had made by Tuesday night to ordering meal delivery services which although provided fully cooked nutritious meals to my door also drained my bank account. The only other option was to seriously suck it up and learn some tried and true favorite meals. Also, lets be honest.... I should at least share the cooking responsibilities with my boyfriend who is actually a pretty awesome cook, he just is slow on the learning curve of cooking for Crohn's. Basically, this segment is to share with you my successes and failures surrounding exploring Crohn's friendly meals that are as dummy proof as possible. All recipes are pretty much inspired by something I found on Pinterest which I will make sure to link to. I have tweaked things here and there based on taste and dietary preferences so feel free to comment with any questions you may have. Bon appetit! Alfredo Zoodles![]() Growing up there was nothing more I loved than a pasta dish drenched in Alfredo sauce. And I mean drenched. For my birthday dinner I requested extra cheesy ravioli with extra creamy Alfredo up until the age that I realized that taco salads where my true calling and then had to alternate. Being gluten free and trying to limit my dairy intake definitely poses a problem for someone who dreams about ravioli. I had to find a way to combat this craving without completely ruining my stomach (and me fitting in my pants the next day). Lucky for me, Pinterest is full of enticing options and Wegmans is full of pre sliced zucchini noodles. THANK YOU! I basically followed this recipe completely by the book and it was rather amazing. The only complaint I had was that my extra Alfredo sauce that I stored in the fridge ended up looking like an elementary school clay project but hot off of the stove it was a dream come true. This ALSO was my very first experience trying zoodles which really were actually a great alternative to pasta. As a gluten free gal often times rice noodles or other equivalents are the go to but to me they honestly don't taste that great. Zoodles hit the spot as far as a pasta substitute and pack in an extra serving of veggies. Overall I give this recipe an 7/10. Points deducted because of the clay like left over situation and the fact that it did make my stomach a bit uneasy... not as bad as the full fat, glutenous alternative though so hey 80% is pretty good! Oh and this DID inspire me to purchase a spiralizer which I have now used to master quite a few more yummy meals. I recommend this if you don't want to spring for the KitchenAid one.... (I actually don't have a KitchenAide mixer and I am just waiting for my wedding to register for one... serious confession #dontjudge). Anyways, here it is! Inexpensive and works like a charm. It gives me a serious EZ Bake Oven vibe and I don't hate it. Enjoy! |
Blonde babe.
Millennial mom. Crohn's crusher. Mental health advocate. Sharing my raw and real journey through motherhood and navigating Crohn’s Disease. CrohnicallyBlonde is a place where I serve up my unfiltered commentary on chronic illness, mental health, pregnancy, and motherhood alongside lighter lifestyle content like beauty product reviews, travel tips, and book recommendations. My hope is that by authentically sharing my story I can help others going through similar situations not feel so alone and maybe even laugh along with me. categories
November 2023
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